
OpenSCM two layer model has only two dependencies:

  • scmdata>=0.9

  • tqdm

OpenSCM two layer model can be installed with pip

pip install openscm-twolayermodel

If you also want to run the example notebooks install additional dependencies using

pip install "openscm-twolayermodel[notebooks]"

Coming soon OpenSCM two layer model can also be installed with conda

conda install -c conda-forge openscm-twolayermodel

We do not ship our tests with the packages. If you wish to run the tests, you must install from source (or download the tests separately and run them on your installation).

Installing from source

To install from source, simply clone the repository and then install it using pip e.g. pip install ".[dev]". Having done this, the tests can be run with pytest tests or using the Makefile (make test will run only the code tests, make checks will run the code tests and all other tests e.g. linting, notebooks, documentation).

For more details, see the development section of the docs.